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Large-Scale C++ Software Design. John Lakos
ISBN: 0201633620, | 870 pages | 22 Mb
Large-Scale C++ Software Design John Lakos
Publisher: Addison Wesley
Nov 16, 2008 - John Lakos, Large-Scale C++ Software Design. Apr 29, 2010 - C++ Gotchas: Avoiding Common Problems in Coding and Design by Stephen C. Oct 26, 2013 - evangelize modern Agile testing techniques for a large scale Scrum environment. [Asserts] occupy a useful niche situated somewhere between comments and exceptions for documenting and detecting illegal behavior. Aug 11, 2007 - 好书-《large scale c++ software design》. Nov 13, 2010 - John Lakos has written an excellent book on software scaling called: Large-Scale C++ Software Design here is a summary. Feb 25, 2012 - I'm going to take Daniel up on cybernetics: the lesson of “Large Scale C++ Software Design” is that a system with too many cyclic dependencies will eventually collapse under its own weight. May 3, 2013 - Dealing with a large codebase (in the order of a hundred million lines of code) changes the scale conversation significantly. Whatever change you make to a core library affects virtually every single piece of software. The Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico, CNAG started operating in March 2010 and is aimed to carry out large-scale DNA sequence analysis projects in human and other species in collaboration with researchers in Catalonia, Spain and The job will take place within the Algorithm Development team, whose mission is to design and deploy practical methods to process the hundreds of gigabases of DNA sequencing data produced daily by the Center. It is a very scientific and stringent approach, which is specific for C++. Jul 28, 2013 - Short about the book: Development of a system of large c++ software, requires more than a solid understanding of the logical design issues in most of the books on the C++ programming. � Stephen Dewhurst, C++ Gotchas.
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